The Importance of Breath

The month of January, I want to focus on the Primary Food area of “health.” 

(For information on Primary Food, see Previous Blog Post)

One very simple way to strengthen your overall health is by breathing! There have been numerous studies showing the benefits that intentional breathing has for mental, physical, and emotional health. 

Breath is life!

It’s the thing you will probably do the most throughout your day, but few people know how to breathe well. 

Luckily, there exists a host of resources to assist you.  I have experimented with several breathing apps and picked three of my favorites to share with you today.  I encourage you to download and try at least one of these: 

1) Breathe2Relax has good teaching for beginners
2) PacedBreathing is very simple and easy to use
3) Breathwrk has many more features & pre-set exercises 

Happy Breathing!!